Little architects
This course will introduce your students to different concepts of Geometry (side and angle). The activities include geometrical challenges inspired by architectural monuments and artworks.
Learning objectives
Experiential learning for teaching Geometry concepts.
Skills cultivation of Intentional Learning and critical thinking.
Being familiar with the geometry of architectural designs.

Suggested age group
Kindergarten - 1st Grade
45 minutes
Fields in S.T.E.A.M.
Students recognize the geometrical shapes in the classroom and in the
real world. Drawing from students’ daily experiences, we have created visual material that can expand their understanding of the two fundamental geometric concepts; Side and angle. Following the flow of the supervisory material, start the activity with a discussion in your class.

Give your student’s the opportunity to process geometry concepts using the simplest materials. Give toothpicks and Playdough to each child and ask them to make triangles and squares (working individually). You can explore how they elaborated on the previous discussion by asking to measure the sides and angles in their constructions.

Show the slides following the supervisory material, where architectural buildings are presented. Let the children observe and comment on them as they wish. What
do they like? What shapes do these architectural works look like?

Time for a challenge! From shapes to geometric solids.
1 st Challenge: Ask the students if they can try to transform their shapes from two dimensions to three. Because the concept of dimensions is difficult to understand, we can set the challenge using architectural works. How can we make our triangles stand like pyramids? And our squares look like cubes?
2nd Challenge: Can we make pyramids out of a square?
Measure the sides and angles of geometric solids. Then, compare a square and a cube. You can repeat the same by comparing a pyramid and a triangle.
Guiding and supporting children: Start by letting children try to think of solutions on their own. Then, if a child comes up with a working idea, ask the other children to stop their construction for a while and discuss this idea.
Children will likely try to fix the shapes with Playdough. Here you can show them the suggested ideas in the supervisory material and discuss which solution seems better (asking, for example, which construction seems more stable).