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Land your spacecraft


Students learn about some of the most critical space missions and work through questions about space exploration. Then they work in teams to make their spacecraft, which must land smoothly without tipping over.

Learning objectives

  • We are cultivating incentives for science and engineering.

  • Problem-solving

  • Collaborative learning


Suggested age group

2nd Grade


80 minutes

Fields in S.T.E.A.M.

  • Sciences

  • Mathematics


  • Disposable cups

  • Cd’s

  • Disposable straws

  • Pieces from cardboard boxes

  • Glue

  • Paper tape

  • Aluminium paper

  • Cotton

  • Paints and brushes



Students learn about the evolution of space missions, from Yuri Gagarin to today's efforts to find water on Mars. Particular emphasis is on the questions that motivate explorers in their quests.


The landing spacecraft is one of the biggest problems facing engineers and scientists. Unfortunately, many spacecraft were destroyed due to collisions during landing.


Working in groups of two or three, students make their spacecraft using simple and recyclable materials. By providing them with various materials, we let them independently choose how they will set up their construction. However, it is essential to emphasize the challenge of a smooth landing. Therefore, their building should have a low centre of gravity and a wide surface, so it does not tip over during the fall.


After completing the construction, each group should present it to the rest of the class and try to throw it.

  • Does it flip?

  • Or does it land smoothly?

If you get on the chair and drop it from there

  • What happens, then?

  • Could improvements be made?


Finally, let the students decorate it with colors, give it a name and think about where they would like to travel.

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